Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Camping At La Casona del Valle.

Camping yay!
Hi guys, have you ever gone camping, maybe as a kid or something?...yes?Well lucky you, I never got that opportunity as a kid even as a teenager, am now well into adulthood and I finally get the chance to go camping deep in the mountains, you can imagine how excited I was.

The experience.
La Casona del Valle is the name of the breathtaking camping resort we stayed in, its situated deep in the mountain town of Garganta de los Montes which sits on the outskirts of Madrid. On the whole it was very enjoyable, camping is mostly outdoor activities,hiking,bicycling,playing games etc. I'm not much of an outdoor person, especially when its cold and rainy...so the whole experience could have been better for me...but I loved the food and all the indoor activities...yeah, sorry to burst your bubble.

I hope you enjoyed this post.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

A Walk With Virtue.

Hey guyz,
Its a beautiful day to be alive, the birds are singing, the sun is out and all is well with the world.
Well, for me, my saturday morning just got even better as I came across this lovely and inspiring video of President Barack Obama taking a surprise walk along the Washington Dc area speaking to and shaking hands with everyday Americans who happened to be in the area. What a huge and memorable surprise it must have been for them, some even had pictures of him...Wow!
As I watched the video, a line from one of my best poems ever came to mind..
'If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch......then you'll be a man. (If by Rudyard Kipling).
Also this lovely bible verse occured to me...
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 KJV
As we rise higher in life and attain to great heights lets remember to keep the virtues that helped us gain success like humility and honesty and sincerity,and accountabilty. Not forgetting to be graceful and kind to everyone,treating others with respect they deserve.
Watch the video.

I was inspired by this video, what about you? Share your experience with us. Have a lovely weekend.
The beauty of simplicity.

Friday, 9 May 2014

7 Upgrading Skills.

Hey guyz,
One good thing we most definitely have going for us in life is... no matter the level we are right now, we can make improvements for the better. We can be upgraded. We got that ability in us, all we need do is locate those aspects in need of upgrading and go right ahead and make the necessary upgrade.
In light of this, I bring you seven important skills you need to have today. Whether you are a top professional,housewife, artist or student, it makes no difference. These skills, as highlighted by Strive Masiyiwa will put you ahead of your game in no time.
  1. How to prepare a Financial Ledger.
  2. HTML and Basic Coding.
  3. How to Back up to the Cloud.
  4. How to write a Business Plan.
  5. How to Set up a Website and Domain.
  6. How to Sell online.
  7. Get a Basic Craft Skill even if its in agriculture or plumbing.
If you posess this skills already..favoured art thou.lol.But if you are yet to have this skills,get right into research and study,take advantage of the internet,online courses etc and be on your way to the upgrade of your life.

Click these links to know more about Strive Masiyiwa and you can also follow him on his Facebook,Twitter and Yookos handle.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Curvy Fabulosity.

Hi people,
Kenya's Corazon Kwamboka
The pressure to bend over backwards to beat our bodies into the shape and body size Society and Media has conjured up for us is one many face today and sadly, in order to 'belong' men as well as women the world over have fallen victims. No wonder the constant rise in plastic surgeries, augumentations and all what not.
But, as always,there are some, amongst us, who will not be boxed-in by the status quo, who push the boundaries and dare to stand out regardless.
Dont sit and bemoan your body type or even size.What you need primarily is to have body confidence. Embrace the body you already have, your body is not a battleground and neither is your valued measured by pounds. Love yourself.
Next, you got to learn to maximise your body potentials. Learn to dress your body appropriately. Love yourself by eating healthy and staying fit. Exercise daily to burn out the extra, there is a thin line between curviness and flabbiness,make sure you dont cross the line. Carry yourself well and walk tall...and thats it...lol.
Let me introduce in pictures some spectacular ladies that put the C in curves and the Fab in fabulous...their names are linked to their biographies, so make sure you click and enjoy.

"When life throws curves at you...you flaunt it"
See ya.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

A Pink Escalade, A Promise Kept.

Hi people,
In todays' world, people often come up with "valid excuses" why they could not or have not kept their promises and well, rightly so, judging from the unpredictable nature of this phenomena called life. But for someone somewhere from Miami, Teddy Bridgewater, nothing was going to stand in his way. He had made a promise to his Mama at the age of four...See how he fulfilled his promise in the lovely Video below. Wow!.

Confidence Builders.

Hey guys,

In the last post we talked about Confidence breakers, how dangerous they are and how we cannot afford to be helpless in their wake but rather must be on guard ready to defy them and protect our self confidence knowing it is a necessary prerequisite for success and succeed we must!...lol. So today, we will learn ways to build our confidence strong.
Self confidence is having trust in one's abilities, qualities and judgements. It is essentially an attitude which allows us to have a positive and realistic perception of ourselves, and seeing that Perception is reality, the way you perceive you is therefore very important, having an enormous impact on how others perceive you too. Self confidence emboldens us while a lack of it is crippling, preventing us from achieving even the simplest task.
Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose for my life? Is there a bigger picture and do I fit into it? These are questions we must all answer. Full knowledge of who you are and what you have been called to do will put you on a high confidence level that is essential to succeed.
I recommend the Bible which is the manual for life. It shows you who you really are and everything else.
Take yourself seriously! You must believe in yourself and in your uniqueness, nobody does it like you after all, so you got to put some value on yourself. Be confident in your own confidence.
"Believe in yourself...you cant afford not to.lol."
Self Affirmations are statements going beyond the reality of the present into the creation of the future through the words you use in the now. Louise .L.Hay.
I like to call them faith filled words or proclamations. Affirm yourself everyday. Speak positive to yourself, speak what you want to see and stay with it. Dont let certain unpleasant situations that show up around you deter you.
"My life is beautiful.. My day too.lol"

A famous saying goes like this.."The day we stop learning is the day we start dying" . Knowing this we got to seek more ways to improve ourselves everyday. Learn a craft, do something you always dreamt of doing but never thought you could. Go ahead and start now.
"Better late than never"
Run away from people who will tear you down, talk you down, label you, limit you with their myopic perspective of you, dampen your resolve to achieve your goals, and make you believe in the unattainability of your dreams. These kinds of people are always lurking around somewhere.Never ever let them be your friends. Instead surround yourself with people who will support, encourage and help you achieve. People who love and believe in you.
"Never let haters get to you"

Have the mindset of a winner and be optimistic always, seeing challenges and obstacles only as necessary stepping stones on your journeyo to the top.Build yourstaying power. Your ability to forge ahead despite great odds against you. Be resilient and persitent. Keep at it until you emerge the winner that you are.Lastly, but certainly not the least, Pray to God for inner strength and His light to guide you in all your endeavours. He will answer you.
Stay true to who you are and be grateful for all you are and have.