Thursday, 8 May 2014

Curvy Fabulosity.

Hi people,
Kenya's Corazon Kwamboka
The pressure to bend over backwards to beat our bodies into the shape and body size Society and Media has conjured up for us is one many face today and sadly, in order to 'belong' men as well as women the world over have fallen victims. No wonder the constant rise in plastic surgeries, augumentations and all what not.
But, as always,there are some, amongst us, who will not be boxed-in by the status quo, who push the boundaries and dare to stand out regardless.
Dont sit and bemoan your body type or even size.What you need primarily is to have body confidence. Embrace the body you already have, your body is not a battleground and neither is your valued measured by pounds. Love yourself.
Next, you got to learn to maximise your body potentials. Learn to dress your body appropriately. Love yourself by eating healthy and staying fit. Exercise daily to burn out the extra, there is a thin line between curviness and flabbiness,make sure you dont cross the line. Carry yourself well and walk tall...and thats
Let me introduce in pictures some spectacular ladies that put the C in curves and the Fab in fabulous...their names are linked to their biographies, so make sure you click and enjoy.

"When life throws curves at flaunt it"
See ya.

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